Getting your first tattoo is terrifying and exciting, and you probably have many questions already. You might need to figure out where to start if you're nervous about your consultation. Please read through our tips and meet your artist with confidence.
Tip #1 - Good References are very important
Do some research on the imagery you would like. Is it a real piece? Is it more traditional with outlines? Or maybe you’re not sure but open to ideas.
As artists, we can draw inspiration from the images and references you bring us. Start a collection of pictures that will help you convey your idea to us. You can have photos of other tattoo styles or pieces you’ve seen that have qualities you like. You might find the color you want in one shot and the shape in another. Bring both!
Feel free to email us beforehand with the images or bring them on your phone. We’ll start an image file to draw inspiration when we design your tattoo.
You can also bring actual objects, whether a statue, a model, a replica, or even your pet. (assuming it’s not a horse)
Tip #2 - Familiarize yourself with your artist's style
Every artist at Golden Rule Tattoo Co. is proficient at clean and solid tattooing. Each tattooist also specializes in some regions of tattoo design.
We artists have a vision of where we would like our art to grow. If you are open and give us some artistic freedom, we will be able to explore new ideas and concepts within the area in which our artwork is evolving too. We keep your concept and idea as our primary focus, and if allowed to add our energy to it, you will receive a unique and original tattoo.
Tip #3 - Understand that NOT everything is possible or will look GOOD as a Tattoo
We often suggest a more extensive design or simplify some elements to create a perfect piece. Keep an open mind and trust that we will give you professional advice to ensure you have all the information to make the best possible decisions about your tattoo.
Tip #4 - Don't forget your deposit!
Our artists are busy, and we keep it professional. To ensure your spot on the calendar, we always require a deposit of $100. Your deposit will go to the price of your tattoo on your final sitting. We prefer cash but do accept cards as well.
Booking your tattoo consultation is the first step to a fantastic tattoo journey. You are welcome to email or call us any time with any questions. We look forward to getting to know you and your tattoo ideas. See you soon!
Tip #5 - Don't be late!
It may not affect you to come in five or 10 minutes late, but it can spoil your artist’s schedule for the day. Start your relationship with the person inking you on a positive note by turning up on time.
Tip #6 - Bring up Health Issues and Concerns
The consultation is a great time to mention any health conditions. For example, if you’re allergy-prone, your artist may recommend avoiding certain red pigments. This color is a common culprit behind tattoo-related allergic reactions. Don’t neglect to mention if you’re on any medications. For example, blood thinners can cause you to bleed more, which can be dangerous, messy, and unpleasant for your artist.
Remember, preparation Is crucial: you want to save your own time and that of your artists. Make sure you're clear on the terms of the appointment to avoid awkwardness or disappointment. Tattoo consultations are critical to ensuring your body art comes out exactly how you want it. Take advantage of this opportunity to get every intricate thought into the open.
When you eventually get your dream tattoo, you must follow your artist's aftercare advice closely and invest in a high-quality tattoo healing lotion to aid recovery.